Shona Welsh 

Speaker Facilitator

Shona Welsh is the trusted expert companies hire to ensure their communications and presentations wow their audiences every time. She works with people and companies who are done with mediocre employee engagement scores and lack luster client meetings. She helps them confidently persuade and influence colleagues and clients so that they can watch their ideas become reality to further their careers and organizations and land ideal clients.

Shona Welsh 


Shona Welsh is the trusted expert companies hire to ensure their communications and presentations wow their audiences every time. She works with people and companies who are done with mediocre employee engagement scores and lack luster client meetings.   She helps them confidently persuade and influence colleagues and clients so that they can further their careers and organizations and land ideal clients.

An award winning speaker and writer with 30+ years of communications and leadership experience, her varied corporate, government, and non-profit roles have taken her around the world. Clients include major international corporations, several UN agencies, and numerous government departments in Canada and internationally. As a senior executive in a multinational engineering and construction company, she trained leaders how to wow clients in bid presentations as well as establishing communications, coaching and mentoring programs internationally.

Shona is the author of 6 books on leadership, communications, and other business topics along with numerous articles on business, culture and HR issues.

Shona’s credentials included a BA in English from the University of Alberta and a Master’s Degree in Adult Learning from the University of Calgary. Her certifications include: Executive Presence, Coach/Facilitator, Human Resources Leader, and Chief Innovation Officer.

Shona Welsh 

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Shona Welsh 

Keynote Speaking Topics

Compelling Communication for Employee Well Being

Less than half of employees say they are appreciated as people, not just employees*. And no wonder – more than two thirds of managers say they are not comfortable speaking with employees for any reason!!**  The quality of employee interactions with supervisors has a key influence on employee well being, and as our workplaces become increasingly more digital and dispersed, active connection is more vital than ever. In this interactive and humorous keynote, learn how to ramp up leaders’ abilities to support employee well being through feeling heard, valued, and connected to the organization’s mission.

*2024 Gartner HR Trends

** Harris Poll

Secrets of a Resilient Workforce

Confident employees who can thrive through repeated changes and challenges don’t just show up by accident. They develop in environments where talents are allowed to shine, ideas are allowed to grow, and leaders know how to facilitate all of it. You’ll learn how to implement the top 3 secrets every growth-minded leader needs to invigorate and re-invigorate their workforce.

Facilitation and Courses

boot camps

(Intensive programs that can be offered over a compressed period of time i.e. 3 days or over several weeks: online, hybrid, and in-person)

Bid Booster Boot Camp

Over a 4-week period (20 hours of total learning with applied learning in between sessions), you will build your unique and compelling bid presentation for an upcoming opportunity or design a template for future bid presentations. The Bid Booster Boot Camp guides you and your team through our 4Ps Presentation Process: Purpose, Presenters, Preparation, Performance.

Participant Profile: Organizations who regularly respond to RFPs in competitive bid situations.

Stand and Speak Boot Camp

In 5 to 12-week formats (depending on if online, in person, or hybrid), participants will learn how to connect with audiences as well as enhance abilities to communicate effectively in any setting, online or in person. Highly interactive, fun, and immediately practical.  Introverts welcome!

Participant Profile: Leaders, Consultants, and anyone who wants to enhance confidence and connect in a more compelling way with employees and clients.

Claim Your Confidence for Women Boot Camp

Over an 8-week period (16 hours total learning with applied learning in between sessions), you’ll learn how to: 1. Focus your career-building efforts, 2. Create your own opportunities, and 3. Super charge your ability to effectively communicate and influence.

Participant Profile: Women leaders or aspiring women leaders.


(All courses can be offered in formats extending over time depending on client needs: full days, half days, 2 hour sessions, 1 hours session, etc. Available online, hybrid, or in person)

Shaking Speaker

Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who feels intimidated by speaking, has had a negative past experience, or is being newly required by the needs of their job to speak in meetings and deliver presentations.

Smart Speaker

Length: Two Days
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.

Sharp Speaker

Length: Three Days (available as an intensive weekend retreat)
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.

Superior Speaker

Length: 5 days (available in 5-day blocks or once per week for 5 weeks)
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who has an important speech or conference presentation within the next 30 to 90 days, is reasonably comfortable with speaking, has delivered a number of presentations in meetings, facilitates meetings or workshops, or is moving into a leadership position where persuasion and influence will be critical.

Advanced Speaker Summit

Length: 3 days
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who is reasonably comfortable with speaking and wants to challenge themselves and WOW their audience!

Becoming a Compelling Master of Ceremonies

Length: 3 day
Participant Profile: Anyone who regularly hosts events and needs to harness the skills of effective speaking and keep an audience engaged. Participants will learn how to build an effective and repeatable ‘MC Toolkit’.

Valuable Videoconferences

Length: One Half Day
Participant Profile: Ideal for anyone who regularly runs meetings and gives presentations over videoconference.

Purposeful PowerPoints

Length: One Day
Participant Profile: Any speaker at any level that wants to create a PowerPoint that packs a punch.

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